Ep.77/ Overcoming Relationship Jealousy With Shanenn Bryant


“We are more than our jealousy. Jealousy isn't a problem, it’s a symptom. And symptoms guide us to the solution.” - Shanenn Bryant

Jealousy often carries a negative connotation because it's often associated with feelings of insecurity, possessiveness, and mistrust in relationships. However, jealousy can serve as a guide or signal, providing valuable information about our needs, boundaries, and insecurities.


While jealousy is often associated with negative emotions, it can offer insights into areas of our lives or relationships that may need attention or reflection.


So rather than see it as a problem, use it to your advantage!


In this week’s podcast episode, Shanenn Bryant, a relationship confidence expert, and the host of the Top Self podcast, shares her wisdom and tools for transforming your relationship to jealousy.


We talk about…

-The different ways that jealousy can manifest in your relationships.

-How to change your relationship to jealousy.

-Viewing jealousy as a symptom and solution to your underlying attachment wounds.

-Steps to navigate jealousy in a healthy and secure way.



Overcoming Relationship Jealousy With Shanenn Bryant


Ep.78/ To Stay or Break-up? Leaving My Relationship of Six Years (Personal Share)


Ep.76/ Trauma Recovery for Attachment Styles With Rowan Garlow