Ep.67/ How To Navigate Relationship Ambivalence (Aka, Confusion and Indecision)


Do you struggle with relationship ambivalence—Meaning, confusion and indecision regarding matters of the heart?

Relationship ambivalence is very common for those of us that have an anxious, dismissive avoidant or fearful avoidant attachment style.

Relationship ambivalence refers to having mixed or conflicting feelings within a relationship. We may have opposing emotions or oscillate between contradictory thoughts and feelings. 

Depending on your attachment style, you may experience ambivalence differently.

For instance…

Anxious attachments may experience ambivalence with their struggle in trusting their partners fully while simultaneously longing for a secure connection.

Dismissive-avoidant attachments may experience ambivalence through their desire for relationships but simultaneously fearing being trapped or losing their autonomy.

Fearful-avoidant attachments may struggle with ambivalence through having deep feelings of love for their partner while also experiencing intense anxiety or fear in the relationship.

You can see how these contradictory experiences can cause a lot of confusion and turmoil within ourselves and our relationships.

 In this weeks podcast episode, I help you understand your ambivalence and teach you steps on how to navigate these complexities with more clarity.



How To Navigate Relationship Ambivalence (Aka, Confusion and Indecision)


Ep.68/ How I Navigate the Distance in My Relationship (Anxious - Avoidant Dynamic)


Ep.66/ Putting Myself First with Alicia (Client Stories)